Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ch.5,6 & 11 readings, how children learn to read, and video

How Children Learn to Read:
I thought this article was very informative and I liked how they said, "Reading skills are like building blocks." I totally agree with this statement. When learning to read, you first have to know the sounds, meaning, etc. This article mentions some really good approaches to reading such as phonics (using more intense phonics instruction for children with disabilities), using a balanced approach, whole language approach, and important components when following a reading program. They also included warning signs of learning disabilities which is very important to be aware of as a teacher.
Video- Reading and the brain:
This video talked about Jonathan and his story as a student with dyslexia. When typical readers do a phonological test, doctors are able to look at their brain and see that the left hemisphere is working more than the right. Children with dyslexia don't activate those areas as strongly. At the beginning of the video, Jonathan hated school, but towards the end of the video, they explained that with reading intervention you can make up for that difficulty and now Jonathan loves schools.
Chapter 5:
This chapter focuses on literacy assessments and indirect measures. When reading this chapter, I was familiar with most of the terms and it was mainly a review because I took a statistics and research class. When testing it is important to keep in mind and answer the question-What is the purpose for testing?
Chapter 6: Informal Literacy Assessment and Direct Measures
This chapter was all new to me and it gave me a lot of great ideas and useful information for direct teaching applications. I was not aware that there are 8 different types of intelligences so this was all very interesting to read about .
Chapter 11: Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is imperative and it is the result of effective reading. When helping students to comprehend what they read, it is important to use organization skills such as chunking, using imagery, and involving the students in pre-reading, active and post reading activities so they have a better understanding.


  1. Hi Katie!
    I think that what you wrote is very insightful! I agree with everything that you read about in the chapters. All of this is very important! I am glad to see that we both liked the video because we both picked the same one! Nice work!

  2. For the chapters, you are right. It was all very good and useful information! I also liked the Jonathon video. It was interesting to watch and learn from! You were for informative on everything. Good job!
